Selected Group sells part of the business in a partner buyout

tirsdag, 1. oktober 2024

Selected Group is focusing further on the business within Alternative Investments and has in this connection divested the advisory company Selected Advice. Selected Advice continues independently and as of October 1st is no longer part of Selected Group’s services.

The changes will not affect investors who have an engagement with either Selected Advice or Selected Group, where there will continue to be a contact person in both places. The focus in Selected Group remains unchanged on ensuring high quality and stable returns on alternative investments, particularly in real estate, solar and wind energy, and green infrastructure.

The divestment has taken place at mutual request through a partner buyout, which means that the current management in Selected Advice continues and drives that part of the business forward. Selected Advice will operate under a new name going forward, and Selected Group wishes them well on their new journey.

For further questions, please contact:

Group CEO, Frederik Gundorph Olesen

+45 31 20 21 73

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