CI Energy Transition Fund I

onsdag, 15. november 2023

One of the indirect investments of the Selected Alternatives Fund is in CI Energy Transition Fund I (CI ETF I), which invests in renewable energy infrastructure, including large Power-to-X projects. The fund’s investments focus on green projects in Europe, North America, Australia, and Asia. Some of the projects in the fund include:


  • Renewable energy is converted into hydrogen and ammonia for export purposes using Power-to-X technologies, on a 126,000-hectare site in Australia.
  • Wind and solar energy production of 6 GW.
  • Can reduce annual emissions by up to 4.4 million tons of CO2.

Read more about the project here.

Slough Multifuel

  • A Waste-to-Energy facility west of Heathrow Airport, near London,
  • The facility is designed to produce electricity and heat by burning waste-based fuels, including municipal and industrial waste.
  • It began operations in August 2024.

Read more about the project here.


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