Learn more about investing in solar energy

torsdag, 17. november 2022

Gain insight into investing in solar energy

Solar energy is a sustainable and stable energy source that is in growing demand. This makes solar energy an attractive investment option for investors looking for a stable return and a positive impact on the environment.

What is solar energy?

Solar energy is energy derived from the sun’s rays. Solar energy can be used to generate electricity, heat water and heat buildings.

Why invest in solar energy?

There are several reasons why you as a private investor should consider investing in solar energy.

  • Stable returns: Solar energy is a sustainable energy source that is in increasing demand. This makes solar energy an investment that has the potential to generate stable returns for many years to come.
  • Positive impact on the environment: Solar energy is a renewable energy source that produces no CO2 emissions. This makes solar energy an investment that can help reduce climate change.
  • Diversification: As an investment asset, solar energy can help diversify your portfolio from traditional investments such as stocks and bonds.

How to invest in solar energy?

There are several ways to invest in solar energy.

  • Solar panels: One of the most popular ways to invest in solar energy is to purchase solar panels for your own home or business. Solar panels can generate electricity that can be used to cover part of your electricity consumption.
  • Solar companies: Another way to invest in solar energy is to invest in solar companies. Solar companies produce, install and maintain solar panels.
  • Solar funds: Solar funds are a way to invest in a variety of different solar companies. Solar funds can be a good option for investors who don’t want to invest directly in a single solar company.

Risks of investing in solar energy

As with any other investment, there are risks associated with investing in solar energy. These include the development of solar regulation, the development of electricity and material prices and technological developments, all of which can affect investment opportunities.

Conclusion – an attractive investment opportunity

Investing in solar energy can be an attractive option for private investors looking for a stable return and a positive impact on the environment. It is important to consider the risks and benefits associated with investing in solar energy before making a decision.

If you want to learn more about alternative investments, you can read more here:

At Selected Alternatives, you can access real estate investment through our alternative investment fund – the Selected Alternatives fund, which also includes wind energy, real estate and green infrastructure. The minimum investment is DKK 1 million.

The fund’s risk rating is 6 out of 7 according to the KID. The fund’s Key Information Document (KID), which can be accessed here.
